Thank you for stopping by. My name is Mai (as in the cocktail). I live at the beach in New Jersey with my rescue dog Ruth (Bader Ginsburg).
Ever since my childhood I’ve been a creator. My favorite toy was my Lego set. I loved PlayDoh, Spirographs and hook rugs, Shrinky Dinks, macramé, string art (yes, I was a child of the ‘70s)... if it involved crafting, I made it.
When I was 12, I helped my Grandpa paint a rainbow mural on my bedroom wall. I built a double hanging rod in my closet with a length of chain, two eye screws and a wooden dowel. I was using a drill before I could drive a car.
I’ve made and sold photo albums, note cards and jewelry. I designed and assembled my own wedding invitations, as well as poured candles for favors (well before Michael’s proliferated every suburban street corner).
After hosting countless parties where I’ve painstakingly hand-crafted all of the decorations and laid out drink bars, candy bars and nacho bars, to name a few... my friends and family would say, “You should do this.” But I could never put my finger on what “this” was.
Finally, I decided that I could offer my skills and vision to help those who need a little imaginative nudge... because I realized that I crave creativity and if I can share my lens, perhaps we can make the world a little more beautiful together.